Please read Legal Conditions
Contact This VendorYou agree that the product you are buying is not open sourced. It comes in obfuscated code and it is strictly forbidden to deobfuscate it in any way. However, the Map Markers is not obfuscated.
Google Form
After buying a product, you have to fill in a simple the Google Form of two fields (except you are buying Map Markers product, in this case you can use it instantly). In this form you have to specify the server names on which you are going to use this product. You'll find a link to this form inside an installation manual of a downloaded product.
Why do I have to fill it?
We need this data to whitelist your servers. Thus, the product will be able to work on your servers. This is a necessary measure against unauthorized usage of our products. You will receive a servermod from us which will activate your product.