Looking for an easy way to keep your server(s) updated and installed? Look no further to fInstall’s design you’ll be happy with both installing and updating them. With a minimal or to-point interface you’ll be able to keep each server(s) installed and updated. Need battleye, no worries It'll set that up with you!
What it does;
- Installs necessary java-jdk and gui-library
- Button to "Download & Extract SteamCMD"
- Button to "Installs server dependency"
- Downloads & Updates server files
How it helps us;
- Downloads each server into individual folder for ease of access
- Installs required dependecy for an Arma Reforger's Server
- Setup battleye rcon for each server
- Download up to UNLIMITED servers
- Verify the server’s files
- Sets up a default server's config
Only Windows x64 servers are supported.
This product is only available for download and support while you have an active key.