
Altis Life    Verified Business


Available for   24.99€
Vendor: Bytex Digital UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Views:  5244

Navigator is an easy to use navigation system for players to reach destinations faster. Utilizing an optimized algorithm, navigator finds the fastest route from start to destination, displays instructions when to turn left and right, an estimated time of arrival, the overall distance to travel and more.

Access the navigation system through the included GUI which scales according to resolution and UI size, start new navigations and save favorite routes for faster access or use the navigation system to guide users to specific locations using the included SQF functions to start and stop navigations.
  • Advanced algorithm to determine routes
  • User-friendly UI which scales correctly according to display device
  • SQF-api to start and stop navigations from code
  • Save routes as favorites and quickly start navigations again
  • No network traffic
  • Easy to install and compatible with all Altis Life versions
  • Fully customizable GUI location
  • Customizable keybindings
Optimized for the following maps: Altis, Stratis, Tanoa, Malden, Australia and all CUP Terrains
Available voicepacks (included for free): English Male Torados, German Male Yawalla, German Male Torados and German Female Bonnie
Compatible with all Tonic Altis/Tanoa life versions

You can download the image files here


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About the vendor

This product is sold by
Bytex Digital UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

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Support Languages

The vendor of this product offers support in the following languages

  • German
  • English

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