Altis Life - Factories
Factories is a highly flexible system for the Altis life framework that allows players to input items and manufacture them into other items.

- Highly flexible and customizable config
- Production time of items can range from 1 minute all the way up to days
- Production can continue while the player is offline and while the server is down
- Worker hiring and configurations can be used to speed up production
- Any item can be manufactured from virtual items to gear items (weapons, attachments, backpacks) to even vehicles
- Multi-item input and ouput, maybe you want to output 3 Iron Ingots for every 2 Iron Ore
- Chat notifications so the player knows what items are complete at which factories
A highly flexible config file allows you to make it how you want. From setting the cost of a factory down to the manufacture time of each individual item.
Config Example (Pastebin)
- Factory cost
- Factory name
- Custom condition to access the factory
- Max workers and cost per worker
- Overall manufacture time
- Individual per item manufacture time
- Map Icon and Color
- Custom display name and icon per item
- List of items and amounts required to manufacture
- List of items and amounts that get produced
- Custom per item condition to see in the manufacture list